Crafting a green future from Delft to Amsterdam with Ore Energy
Beyond the grid: Aytac Yilmaz’s leap into advanced energy storage
Beyond the grid: Aytac Yilmaz’s leap into advanced energy storage
Join us on a journey with Aytac Yilmaz, an entrepreneur with roots in Turkey and dreams that span continents. With his freshly minted PhD from Delft University of Technology under his belt, Aytac found himself at a crossroads familiar to many international students: head home or chart a new course? His answer? The creation of Ore Energy together with his co-founder, aiming to redefine how we store renewable energy. Drawing from the innovative sustainable solution mindset of the Netherlands, Aytac embarked on a mission that resonates with environmentally-conscious minds.
“I would highly recommend considering moving to the Netherlands to anyone as it offers a high standard of living, nice and direct people, a multicultural society, high-quality education and many international job opportunities.”
“We [Ore Energy] would like to continue the R&D and production phases here in the Netherlands and aim to introduce our first product here as well.”